In preparation of the Just For Laughs 2010 Festival in Montreal, I was asked to design several brochures, pamphlets and posters under very tight deadlines. This was a fantastic first experience in Canada for me and a place where I've had the chance to meet a lot of creative minds bubbling with ideas.
Role: Art direction and graphic design
Tools: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrartor
Selected Work
Kustom IncWeb design
PrismaWeb design
Synergie BoisWeb Design
SublimeWeb Design
BlocryWeb Design
BrowningMiscellaneous Work
Winchester InternationalAdverts Design
John M. BrowningBrochure Design
Just For LaughsMiscellaneous Work
DcinexBrochure Design
Menarini DiagnosticsMiscellaneous Work
MyDimmBrochure Design