Browning International
Browning International has been a client of mine for 6 years. Throughout those years, in addition to managing their media materials targeted for numerous hunting magazines, I have had the privilege to create a wide range of branded material illustrating the prime quality of their products and used all across Europe.
Please enjoy a small selection of my work for them.
For 2019, Browning wanted to re-imagine its communication and associate its products with the feelings experienced by the hunter on the prowl. They also wanted, on some adverts, to gather several ranges of products compatible for particular types of hunt and game.
Those adverts have been used in European magazines in the following regions : France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, United Kingdom and Benelux.
Role: Graphic design, photo retouching and manipulation
Tools: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightroom
In order to allow its retailers to consult the whole range of products available to them, Browning needed to create a product catalog gathering all the other associated brands - John M. Browning, Browning, Winchester, Kite Optics, Nomad and Miroku - in its pages.
This book was translated and produced for numerous European countries, such as France, Germany, Austria, Italy, the United Kingdom and Sweden.
Role: Editorial design and production coordination
Tools: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator
Each year, Browning presents its new star-products to hunters and sport shooters through small magazines translated in five languages (French, English, German, Italian and Spanish) and widely distributed across Europe.
Role: Editorial design and production coordination
Tools: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator
Selected Work
Kustom IncWeb design
PrismaWeb design
Synergie BoisWeb Design
SublimeWeb Design
BlocryWeb Design
BrowningMiscellaneous Work
Winchester InternationalAdverts Design
John M. BrowningBrochure Design
Just For LaughsMiscellaneous Work
DcinexBrochure Design
Menarini DiagnosticsMiscellaneous Work
MyDimmBrochure Design